Course level: Undergraduate

Summer semester 2018, 2019 and 2020
Colorado University Boulder

What are the consequences of China’s rise? Does international law contribute to pacifying international relations? What is “international terrorism” and how can one deal with it? These are examples of “current affairs in international relations”. The aim of this course is to address these questions (and some others) by using the theoretical tools of the social sciences and the discipline of international relations. These tools are not neutral or objective, yet they help to take some distance vis-à-vis some prejudices and to look at international politics with more reflexive eyes.

This course consists of an introduction week and 10 modules of three hours each. Each module deals with a particular topic (see below) and is divided into two parts: a lecture and a discussion. In order to fuel discussion, students are required to read several texts available online (mentioned as “assigned readings”, see below). Please note that not all modules have a reading assignment. Those students who want to deepen their knowledge on a topic can also read the books and articles labeled as “further readings”. These further readings are not mandatory.

delori-PSCI 3143 syllabus2020 (148.88 KB)