By Mathias Delori

Dissertation defended on October 23, 2008 in front of an examination committee made of Pierre Muller, Christine Musselin, Henry Rousso, Guy Saez et Yves Surel (supervisor). Best distinction (Mention très honorable avec les félicitations du jury à l’unanimité).
The Franco-German Elysée Treaty (22.01.1963) created an organization that still exists today: the Franco-German Youth Office. Although the Office has lost of its political significance, it used to be an important political program. During the 1960’s, it implemented a policy of mass youth exchange between the two countries. This policy is a reminder of the dream of European federalists to build a European “demos” through the socialization of a new generation. My doctoral dissertation analyzes the social construction, the institutionalization and the history of this curious public policy. It draws upon a socio-historical approach which covers more than one century, some work on public and private archives and interviews with about 100 witnesses.
Grenoble: Université Pierre Mendès France de Grenoble, 2008
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